2016 Conference Presentations

The following presentations represent Intellectual Property of RMAIR members. Hyperlinks open the item.

Presenter(s)Presentation Name
Lisa Dodson
Everything You Need to Know About Data Strategy You Learned in Kindergarten
Dale Pietrzak
Visualizing Data for Proactive Decisions
Jeffrey Johnson
Using Structural Justice to Enhance Student Privacy
Tim Stanley, Angela Ward, Karl Greenwood
Leveraging a Database for Survey Data
Mark Leany, Robert Loveridge
Identifying Math Placement Cutoffs Using Logistic Regression and the 50/75 Method
John Armstrong
The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems
Shi Qingmin, Sandip Thanki, Janice Le-Nguyen, Mick Haney
Translating Evidence into Actionable Knowledge: Seniors Preparedness and Career Readiness
Nicolas Valcik, Jessica Michael
Development and Implementation of New University State Reports using SAS
William Warfel
Admissions Projections: The (Random) Forest for the (Decision) Trees
Katie Zaback, Andy Carlson
Equity Gaps in Higher Education and RMAIR States
Katie Zaback, Erik Rose
The Role of Data in Implementing Math Pathways and Corequisite Remediation
Todd DeKay
Grade Distribution Dash in a Flash with Excel
Grace Anderson
An IR Eye Toward Prioritization
Stephanie Kane
Strategies for Evaluating the Efficacy of Waiver Programs
Tyler Trevor, Dawn Ressel, Chris Fastnow
A Model for Performance Funding Model Development
Robert Loveridge
Who Are the Underserved and How Many are There?
Dianna Renz, Russ Bates, Kay Cooley
Data to the People: Dashboarding

**If any member has intellectual property that is not listed, please contact the webmaster to have it added to this page.