2017 Call For Proposals

Proposals are now being accepted for the 47th Annual
Rocky Mountain Association for Institutional Research (RMAIR) Conference

to be held in:

Scottsdale, Arizona
October 4-6, 2017

“Discovering an Oasis in the Desert of Data”

In any organization, there are data that are “hot” and data that are harder to find or even hidden. RMAIR members are encouraged to submit proposals that illustrate how this theme broadly applies to our work in Institutional Research. For example:

  • How do you bring new insight to your institution with data?
  • How can you find these scattered oases throughout your institution and why is that worth the effort?
  • How have you worked with within your institution to bring new data to light?
  • Where have you found unexpected oases?
  • How do you keep the never-ending dunes of your work (external reporting, for example) fresh while working toward the next oasis?

​Our multiple session formats – Research Paper, Panel Discussion, Best Practices/Nuts-and-Bolts, Poster, Discussion Group – will allow for Institutional Research stories to be told in rich and dynamic ways.

The deadline for proposals is 5 p.m. MST on Wednesday, June 28th, 2017 .
We plan to send proposal acceptance notifications out on or before August 1st, 2017.

Proposal Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines when preparing your on-line proposal submission.

General Information – All Presentation Format Types

  • Submit proposals according to the format that best fits your presentation. Descriptions of the proposal formats are available below.
  • All presenters must register for the conference.
  • Proposals will be evaluated by a committee of peers.

In addition to presenter information, you will be asked to provide the following:
Presentation Title (10 word limit)
Presentation Abstract (75 word limit) – A brief description to be included in the conference program.
Presentation Plan (50-word limit) – A brief description that provides an overview of expected audience involvement. Interactive presentations are highly encouraged.
Presentation Summary (300 word limit) – Extended description of proposal for committee review. Proposals will be reviewed for relevance to the 2017 conference theme, thoroughness and clarity, and expected learning outcomes.
Technical Needs (Screen and Wi-Fi will be available in each room)
Additional Notes – List any other information or details that the proposal reviewers need to know.
If you are interested in presenting a pre-conference workshop, choose format OTHER.

Research Paper (50 minutes)

This is a presentation in which an author(s) shares research results, conceptual analysis, or comprehensive case studies. Paper sessions typically are 50 minutes in length with prepared comments lasting about 40 minutes, leaving 10 minutes for discussion and questions.

Panel Discussion (50 minutes)

This is a presentation in which multiple presenters discuss a topic of shared interest. Panel discussions typically are 50 minutes in length with audience comments and questions included within the 50 minutes.

Best Practices or Nuts-and-Bolts How-to Sessions (50 minutes)

This is a presentation of works in progress, demonstrations of software, topical case studies, and sharing of ongoing research or implementation of innovative techniques. These sessions are presented in the same time slots as contributed papers; presenters should allow time for discussion.

Poster (display and 50 minutes)

Presenters may host a poster session where ideas can be shared informally through a display. Posters will be on display for informal viewing starting Thursday morning with “teardown” on Friday, prior to the start of lunch. We will have one dedicated poster session Thursday afternoon and another Friday morning. Posters may show a work in progress, describe a research technique, or share a new idea with colleagues in a relaxed, one-on-one setting.

Discussion Group (50 minutes) (This format also accommodates Special Interest Group meetings)

This presentation type includes a brief presentation by the facilitator followed by a group discussion of a research study, issue, or method related to practical applications in institutional research. The proposal should include the title, topic, a brief outline of the items to be discussed, the intended audience, a brief description of the facilitator’s experience in the area. Sessions are 50 minutes in length including the facilitator’s prepared comments of 10 minutes.

Equipment: All presenters must bring their own laptops.
Please indicate any additional equipment you’ll need, such as:

  • LCD Projector
  • Internet Access
  • Flip Chart
  • Overhead Projector
  • Wi-Fi Internet connection
  • VGA or other cables

Please submit proposals using this link, Call for Proposals for the 2017 RMAIR Annual Conference, which is also found on the RMAIR website, http://zng.btt.mybluehost.me/ .

Rebecca Barber,
I look forward to seeing you in Scottsdale!