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RMAIR – Update

By Joseph Curtin, RMAIR President and Assistant Commissioner – Institutional Research & Analysis, Utah System of Higher Education

We had a great turnout at the RMAIR SIG meeting that was held in New Orleans on June 1st. Thanks to all who were able to come and join us. With the national conference over and summer in full swing, I would like to remind all that there are several things that they should look for over the summer.

Nominations for RMAIR leadership: This year we will elect a new Vice-President and a Secretary. The Vice-President is a three year commitment with the first year as the Vice President, then a year as the President and the final year as the immediate past-president. The RMAIR Secretary is also elected to a three year term. The responsibilities of the Secretary include: taking minutes of the annual business meeting and at the RMAIR special interest group meeting at the AIR Forum. If the Secretary is unable to attend either of these meetings, s/he may arrange for another individual to record meeting proceedings. The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining a current list of membership, providing and maintaining permanent historical records of RMAIR activities, and overseeing elections and voting.

Please consider either running for one of these office yourself or nominating someone from a RMAIR state who will be committed to RMAIR. Nominations for either the Vice-President or the Secretary position may be sent to

Nominations for Emeritus Status: Each year at the annual meeting, RMAIRians have the opportunity to honor long-time members by granting them Emeritus status. Traditionally these are people who have recently retired. To date, we have three nominees; Hans L’Orange, Mark Chisholm, and Fred Lillibridge. If you know of other deserving people, please send your nominations to the RMAIR Past-President at

Conference Proposals: Sometime in the next few weeks, you should see the call-for-proposals for the RMAIR annual conference. The conference will be held in Bozeman, Montana on October 26-28th. The annual meeting will also host a pre-conference workshop made possible by our train-the-trainer grant. This workshop will be – IR & IE: Enhancing Personal and Professional Effectiveness provided by Mya Starling. More information will be available soon at the website.

One goal identified in the RMAIR strategic plan is to expand the membership in RMAIR. Now is a great opportunity to do so. RMAIR is once again waiving the membership fee this year so it costs nothing to join RMAIR. Now would be a great time to reach out to interested faculty and students and invite them to join us in Bozeman and present their research. Full-time graduate and undergraduate students are only charged one-half the conference registration fee to attend, helping to make the RMAIR conference an affordable option to obtain valuable conference presentation experience.

I look forward to our next RMAIR meeting in Bozeman and hope to see you all there.

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RMAIR 2015 In Review

By Jeff Johnson, Assistant Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning, Utah Valley University

“Dear God, please don’t let me screw up.”
—Test Pilot’s Prayer, attr. to astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr.

I am quite pleased to say that, thanks to some combination of divine grace and an outstanding team of institutional research professionals, I’ve managed to not screw up RMAIR during my year as president. It has been a very successful year for the association, with many accomplishments to celebrate.

Our annual conference is the focus of RMAIR’s efforts, and this year’s was outstanding. Nearly 100 paid attendees met in Las Vegas earlier this month, the most in recent memory. A fascinating keynote from Stephen R. Porter on the validity and future of student surveys led off a program of 34 presentations organized by program chair Serge Herzog. Local arrangements chair Theresa Farmer’s stellar work on the venue and logistics gave RMAIR members plenty of opportunities to rekindle old relationships and make new connections, and kept costs much lower than we expected. Thanks to the wonderful work of sponsorship chair Tondra De, we raised $16,900 from sponsors. While the final bills aren’t in, we expect to make at least $5,000 on the conference in spite of not charging membership fees this year. I can’t thank enough Theresa, Tondra, and Serge, along with Christina Drum, Mya Starling, Andrea Esguerra, and Mike Ellison for what they did to produce a successful conference.

We have had great financial success as well. We expect the conference to make between $5,000 and $8,000 for the association after all is finalized. That will leave us with approximately $30,000, consistent with our goal of having a reserve of between 1.5 and 2 times the typical conference costs. Working with treasurer Quinn Koller, we have also put in place streamlined processes for financial management of the conference that should allow our success to continue while easing the administrative challenges.

Our previous financial success allowed us to offer free membership this year. That has brought in several entirely new members as well as maintaining membership of many previous members who would not have joined this year because they were not attending the conference; historically very few people have paid membership dues when they weren’t attending. The board has thus decided to continue to offer free membership for 2015-16.

I am pleased especially to have been able to honor several members this year. Thanks to a partnership with AIR, we were able to match our grants with AIR Travel Grants. Serge represented RMAIR at the AIR Forum as the best paper. We also awarded the best presentation grant to Stephanie Kane and Fran Hermanson. We didn’t award any Train the Trainer grants, however, so I encourage you to consider applying for 2016.

The board continued its work to implement the strategic plan while also rethinking its place in the organization. Vice President Joe Curtin implemented the outreach elements, targeting especially institutions with graduate programs in higher education. Incoming Vice President Dianna Renz will be reaching out to IR offices that are not currently involved in RMAIR, building on work done last year by Mya Starling. This coming year we are due for a new plan. This will be informed by our experience with the existing one and will aim to be more realistic about our capabilities and commitments.

Our future will also need to recognize, however, that RMAIR is in a changed environment in which our history of informality is challenged by increasing regulation and a transfer of much of the legal and financial responsibility for the association from AIR to us. Banking regulations designed to prevent terrorist financing and laundering of drug money require us to demonstrate that any change in the account holders is consistent with the bylaws; hence the importance of bylaws that clearly define election rules in ways that will be accepted by courts and lawyers, not just our members. Non-profit status and incorporation are necessary to protect the organization and its officers—it would have been quite easily for officers to have accidentally committed tax fraud before we gained 501(c)(3) status.

The bylaw review has identified several areas in which we will, of necessity, have to change in ways that we aren’t all comfortable with. The contemporary world leaves us with only the alternative of not existing. The board will be working on this in the coming year, and will seek input from and will communicate fully with the members as we do. It is the greatest challenge that RMAIR faces right now. I ask your patience and understanding as we continue this process.

These are only a few of our accomplishments. I can claim little credit for them; they happened on my watch but they happened because we have exceptional people in RMAIR. I am humbled to have worked with such an effective board over the last year: Joe, Quinn, Secretary Tammy Scott, and Past President Ann Murray. I also relied heavily on the generous advice of two former RMAIR Presidents, Nick Valcik and Dawn Kenney. I am pleased to welcome Dianna to the board as Vice President and President Elect. I have great confidence in the coming year’s leadership, and wish all of us continued success.